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Posts by Matt Koulas

Picture of Matt Koulas

Matt Koulas

Matt has 15+ years of experience leading teams, working in companies with outstanding and innovative company culture, and operates two businesses of his own. His passion for company culture grew out of his personal experience with amazing company culture as well as the negative effects of acquisitions on culture.
employees talking to each other about employee survey questions

Types of Employee Surveys: Ideas to Spark Impactful Insights 

Have you ever wondered what your employees really think and feel? Whether you want to measure individual, departmental, location-specific, or organization-wide attitudes, an employee survey can help you gauge where you stand.  On an individualized basis or in the aggregate, employee surveys help businesses measure what they’re doing right, what

group of diverse employees socializing in a positive company culture

Why Company Culture is so Important for Employees

Have you ever wondered what your organization’s company culture was? As a leader, manager, or member of your company’s Human Resources department, your perception of your organization’s culture may differ from the perception held by the majority of employees. According to multiyear research conducted by MIT Sloan School of Management,

employees engaging in an inexpensive way at work

Inexpensive Ideas to Boost Employee Engagement

One of the nonnegotiables for a productive and innovative workplace is employee engagement. Employee engagement is a dealbreaker for getting your organization to the next level, from happier employees to greater productivity. One of the challenges to engaging employees is not breaking your budget. Even if you don’t have a

employee satisfaction between coworkers

27 Employee Recognition Survey Questions to Boost Engagement

You appreciate your employees, but are you showing your appreciation in a way that your team members can recognize and understand? The concept of employee recognition often creates a big “question mark” for employers. It’s common to experience a level of uncertainty surrounding the best methods to reward hard work,

employees chatting in cafe

Strategies for Promoting Positive Work Environments for Employees

Creating better work environments for employees is tremendously beneficial—not just to your employees, but to your organization as a whole. When employees enjoy and appreciate their work environment, your company’s productivity, employee tenure, and engagement metrics are increased across the board. At the same time, attrition, healthcare premiums, absenteeism, and

employees conversing during a presentation

10 Questions to Ask for More Engagement from Your Team

Leading people in an organization is always challenging. From providing a positive team culture to exceeding performance expectations, many factors create a thriving team. However, there is a difference maker between a mediocre team and one that always surpasses your expectations: employee engagement. With the right persistence and knowledge to