Here are answers to how to accomplish most of the primary tasks within the Peoplelytics platform.
When creating an eNPS or culture survey within the Surveys section, on the final screen of the survey builder you will be able to select the day, and a time (in 30 minute increments) to schedule your survey to send. You will also be able to select whether the survey is scheduled to send again every 1, 3, or 6 months. We’ve got a quick visual guide < here > as well.
When building either an eNPS or culture survey, you will reach a screen in the process where you can select specific employees to include, or you can filter and select entire departments, entire locations, individuals from departments, individuals from departments, or, all current employees. You can also select a button which is disabled by default to always send your survey to all of your employees. This option will automatically check your uploaded employee list before sending each time and include any active uploaded employees.
When you are building either an eNPS or culture survey, the second to last screen of the builder allows you to review all the settings for your survey, and has 4 buttons at the bottom of this screen (back, preview survey, send test survey, next). Clicking on the Preview Survey button will open a lightbox window in your browser where you will be able to preview the survey you are building and click through as if you were an employee.
When creating or editing an eNPS survey, on the first screen you can directly edit the wording for the question fields. Currently, customers do not have the ability to edit individual survey questions within our prebuilt Culture surveys.
When you log into your account dashboard, in the left hand navigation, click on Surveys. The default first view of this next screen is the eNPS management page. On this page you will see a blue button in the upper right of your screen to create a new survey. Or, if you do not have any eNPS surveys created yet, there will be a large blue button across the top of the window for you to create your first eNPS survey.
Your eNPS survey results will tell you the overall “net promoter score” of your employees. This is a signal of internal support, culture, and employee satisfaction at a high level. The scores range from -100 to 100. The calculation to reach this number is (% of promoters) minus (% of detractors). Promoters are any employees who rate you 9 or 10. Detractors are employees who rate you 0 – 6. Employees rating you a 7 or 8 are defined as neutrals and not counted in the calculation.
In our eNPS surveys we have built one additional question which is can be enabled (it is disabled by default) and shown on the survey. It asks employees to rate up to 7 categories you can define for them to rate their sentiment around. When building the eNPS survey, on the first screen, there will be a on/off toggle button on the right side, towards the bottom of the survey where this third question is listed. Enabling this button will display the question in your surveys. Disabling the button will hide it from employees in your survey.
When you are in your dashboard, if you click on the Surveys link in the left hand navigation, and then select the sub link “Culture Surveys” you will see the culture survey management page. On this page you will have a blue button in the top right corner of the page where you can Create a Survey. Clicking this button will enter you into the culture survey builder. You will then be prompted to select one of three categories of surveys. After making a survey selection, you will see premade surveys which you can select from. You are unable to edit the questions. You are able to edit the survey title and email copy as well as select/deselect the employee reminder email settings.
We offer three primary categories of culture surveys which have a variety of actual surveys within them. The three primary categories of culture surveys we offer are Change Management surveys (relating to acquisitions, scaling, layoffs, etc.), Personal Experience surveys (relating to professional development, sense of inclusion, safety, etc.), and Operational Culture surveys (relating to overall culture, office environment, remote work policies, etc.).
Culture surveys will give you more specific feedback and insight into specific aspects of company culture and workplace environment as well as employee engagement. You will get answers and potential written feedback on each of these questions and topics as well as system-based recommendations on how to address the most topics which are rated lowest by your employees.
The only limits we impose on viewing data in your reports is a 5 employee response minimum. You need to have completed surveys from at least 5 employees for specific data to show and for exports to be made available. This is particularly in place to help shield employees in specific departments or locations from being made too individually identifiable with small numbers of answers or from small groups/departments. We do not provide information related to responses that connects any individual employee to their answers (unless they specifically state information in their written responses). We do not use the same patterns for specific employees for survey URLs or data capture. We strive to keep employee data anonymous, while allowing employers to see broader trends.
When you log into your dashboard, in the left hand navigation you will see a link for Reports. If you click on this, the default view is for the eNPS report history page. This will show you the history of all eNPS surveys you have sent, listed in order of most recent to first sent. Clicking into the “View Results” link on any of these will allow you to see the results of that specific survey. Once inside a survey, if it has sent multiple times, you will be able to see the performance over time.
Yes, at the bottom of specific eNPS report pages, you can export data around Question 3 with all ratings and scores attached. You may also use the Export button in the top right of all report pages to create a shareable URL link that keeps any filter you have in place, locked, on the shared report page. Some reports can be exported as a PDF (only eNPS and culture surveys).
When you log into your dashboard, in the left hand navigation you can click on Reports. Selecting the sub link titled Culture Surveys will bring you to the culture survey management page with the history of all culture surveys you have sent. Clicking on “View Results” for any of these will bring you to the results of that survey. Additionally, if you have sent this survey multiple times, you can click on the “Visualize Trend” link on any question to see the data trends for that question within that survey (sent to the specific audience) over time.
Yes, at the bottom of Culture survey report pages, you can export data around the written feedback with all ratings and scores attached. You may also use the Export button in the top right of all report pages to create a shareable URL link that keeps any filter you have in place, locked, on the shared report page. Some reports can be exported as a PDF (only eNPS and culture surveys).
To see overall employee engagement statistics and the overall engagement with your surveys over time, you can navigate to the Reports > Engagement section from the left hand navigation menu. From this screen you will see overall statistics for all of your campaigns. From here, you can filter for specific surveys, specific date ranges, and see the associated data trended and summed over time.
When you log into your dashboard, in the left hand navigation menu you should select “Employees”. From there you would select “Add Manually”. On that screen you can enter employee details individually by adding an email address, first name, last name, department, and location. Email address is a required field. To add an employee you need to be under your employee limit. If there are errors with your input you will see a small prompt in the top right of the screen letting you know what the issue was with your input.
To add multiple employees at one time, you should navigate in the left hand navigation menu to Employees and then selecting “Upload a List”. On this screen you will see instructions to help guide you through the bulk upload process. First, you’ll need to download our CSV template to ensure you upload employees in the correct format. Once you update this file with the list of employees, you can then use the “upload employee list” button on this page. Our system will check for duplicate entries in your list, then check for duplicate entries already uploaded to the system. Once we complete the validation of the list we will alert you to any issues we’ve found and allow you to confirm the number of employees to be added to your list. For larger lists, this may take a couple of minutes. You will see a small green progress bar at the top of the browser window while the system is running processes.
To edit an employees data that you have already added to the system, please use the left hand navigation menu and go to Employees. The default screen when you select Employees will bring you to the employee management page. On this page you can filter or search for a specific employee. When you have found the correct employee, click the edit button (pencil) on the right side of the screen. You will get a popup with the employee’s details shown. Make the changes you require. Click “save changes” when you are confident with your changes. The changes will be applied immediately. This can only be done if you manually manage employees, not if you have an API integration in place for employee management as your employee data is managed externally.
To delete an employee, use the left hand navigation menu in your dashboard to go to the Employees page. The default view here is the list of all of your employees. You can search for or filter to find the employee you need to remove. If you click the edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the screen in line with their name, you will get a popup with their information. You will see a red “Delete” button on this popup. Clicking this will remove the employee immediately from your list. There is no way to revert this so if you make a mistake you will need to readd the employee manually again.
The only limitation on how many employees you can upload at once is based on your subscription. We will not allow more employees to be uploaded than your plan allows. If you have a plan allowing 50 employees, and upload a list with 60 employees, we will try and add employees from the top of the list to the bottom and then 10 employees at the bottom of the list will not be added. In the event of duplicates, these will also not be added.
Yes, you can. When you are on the View/Edit Employee page you can select a group of employees, which will display a blue button in the top right corner of this screen which will allow you to delete the selected employees. You will be prompted if you want to continue and delete them or not. If you select delete they will be removed from your employee list immediately. There is no way to revert this change so you would need to re-add those employees if you changed your mind.
You may customize your account by navigating to the Account page from the left hand navigation menu. On this page you will be able to change your company name (which impacts survey email templates), upload a logo (which impacts survey landing pages), change your first name, and last name.
You can upload a company logo to use which will appear in the header of your survey landing pages by navigating via the left hand menu to the Account page. On this page you will see a section to upload an image. We recommend a 21:9 aspect ratio for your logo to show up best in the system.
If you navigate to the Account page in your dashboard, you will have a Timezone selector where you can manage the timezone used to select when your surveys will send to employees. The timezone defaults to the subscribers local timezone when signing up.
You can change your customer password in 2 ways. The first, is within your Account page inside the Peoplelytics application. You will see a blue button at the top right of the screen allowing you to request a password reset link to your email address. The other option, is from the login page. Both options will send an email where you will get a link to create your new password.
To change the email address associated with your customer account you will need to contact us at team(at) and request this directly. We’ll need to verify information with you to complete this request. You are not able to change this directly within your account profile at this time.
If you need to make a change to your account’s plan, you should navigate to the Billing page within the product dashboard. On that page you will see the option to upgrade/downgrade your plan listed under your current plans information. You can select from any of our current available plans and changes will take place immediately. In the case of upgrades, your change will process right away and you will be billed for any difference in price due. In the case of downgrades, you will retain your previous subscription functionality until the original plan expires.
We do not currently allow users to pause plans.
You may cancel a plan from the Billing page within the product dashboard. Under your current plan area you can cancel your subscription at any time. You will retain access per your subscription until it runs out at which time your surveys will stop running and your account will become inactive. After 90 days your account history will be deleted from our servers for data maintenance purposes.
You can view invoices and paid bills by navigating to the Billing page within the product dashboard. Currently, we facilitate payments via Stripe and you will have access to any documents they generate for your subscription.
If you can’t get an answer from the FAQs above, feel free to book some time with a team member for a live support session. Please note, there is a 4-hour period until your session can be booked due to our smaller team’s limited availability.
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