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Product Features

All The Tools You Need

Our core functionality includes the following areas to help support your HR and People needs.

Employee Engagement Surveys

Standard eNPS surveys with optional enhancements

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eNPS Surveys

Standard eNPS surveys with optional enhancements

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Pulse Surveys

50+ prebuilt company culture surveys to save you time

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Reports & Insights

Charts and graphs with filtering and segmentation to dig deeper

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Recommended Actions

Next steps to take based on employee feedback

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Employee Management

Bulk Add, Edit, Upload, and Remove options available for easy management

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Employee Engagement Surveys

  • Customize your survey with 150+ survey questions available
  • Schedule surveys to run monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually
  • Automatically send to your entire company every time or select sub-groups
  • Enable/disable certain questions from premade surveys or edit wording
  • Customize survey name, email subject, and email body
  • Schedule reminder emails, or leave them off
  • Preview survey emails and experience before sending
  • Get recommended actions to take based on specific questions and outcomes
  • White label your surveys personalizing with your brand name and logos
Example Employee Engagement Survey eNPS Question
Example Employee Engagement Survey Rating 1-5 Question
Example Employee Engagement Survey Written Feedback Question
Peoplelytics eNPS Survey Example

eNPS Surveys

  • Schedule surveys to run monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually
  • Set surveys to always send to the entire company or a sub-group
  • Optionally, ask employees to rate several areas of your company, culture, etc
  • Customize survey name
  • Customize survey email subject and body
  • Send test surveys to yourself or enter a live preview mode
  • All surveys are anonymous but use unique URLs for each employee

Employee Pulse Surveys

  • Access 50+ premade company surveys on topics like Returning to Work, Employee Health and Wellness, D.E.I., Team Communication, and more!
  • Schedule surveys to run monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually
  • Automatically send to your entire company every time or select sub-groups
  • Enable/disable certain questions from premade surveys
  • Customize survey name, email subject, and email body
  • Send test surveys to yourself or enter a live survey preview mode
  • Get recommended actions to take based on specific questions and outcomes
Peoplelytics Culture Survey Example
AI powered recommendation engine

Post-Survey Recommended Actions

  • See specific recommended actions by question for employee surveys
  • Get tips for tools to use to improve certain areas of your business
  • Get guidance on action you should take as a management team 
  • Get guidance on action that should be taken by your people-managers
  • Access all your historic recommendations

Detailed Reports & Insights

  • Reports for every survey
  • View data by department
  • View data by location
  • View data by gender, role, manager status (coming soon)
  • Export data to CSV
  • Export data to PDF (coming soon)
  • Look at data by question
  • Look at overall survey result trends over time
  • Look at survey question-specific trends over time
  • View breakdowns of question ratings by users who wrote feedback vs those who did not
  • See average survey ratings
  • Track eNPS over time
eNPS survey results report

Complete Employee Management

  • Bulk upload lists of employees
  • Add single employees
  • Edit employee data individually
  • Remove employees individually or through bulk actions
  • Apply custom information to each employee such as Department, Location, and more!
  • Employee integrations are coming soon to allow API-driven automatic employee updates through other platforms
Peoplelytics employee management screen