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Inexpensive Ideas to Boost Employee Engagement

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One of the nonnegotiables for a productive and innovative workplace is employee engagement. Employee engagement is a dealbreaker for getting your organization to the next level, from happier employees to greater productivity. One of the challenges to engaging employees is not breaking your budget. Even if you don’t have a lot to spend, there are several ways you can bolster your team’s engagement and get them moving in the right direction. If you are looking for some ideas to get started, here are some low-cost employee engagement ideas.

​3 Key takeaways you need to know:
  • Inexpensive employee engagement ideas are as effective as expensive ones. 
  • It’s important to include the remote workforce in employee engagement activities.  
  • The most engaged employees are the ones that feel valued within the company. 

employees engaging in an inexpensive way at work

Why Employee Engagement Matters

Disengaged employees are less motivated, innovative, and committed to their work. On the other hand, engaged team members are also more satisfied with their work and less likely to leave the company. Improved retention rates will save your company time and effort, especially if you have a smaller company. Once your team members love what they do, they will likely exceed expectations and provide better service and improved efficiency.

Engaged employees are more likely to collaborate effectively, communicate openly with management, and contribute positively to the company culture. By fostering a culture of engagement through meaningful communication, recognition programs, and professional development opportunities, organizations can create an enthusiastic workforce about their work and invest in the company’s success. 

Ultimately, employee engagement is not just a nice-to-have. It’s a great way to drive growth and achieve long-term success in any business setting.

Budget-Friendly Engagement Ideas 

You’ll want to start implementing engagement ideas once engagement is at the forefront of your priorities. Remember, not all employees respond equally to every idea. There’s a lot of trial, error, and effort to understand your employees and what drives them. However, any engagement, even if it is not very effective, is better than none at all. Once you get going, it’s easier to adjust where needed. The most important step for employee engagement is to take action now.

1. Recognize and Celebrate Your Team Members 

Recognition done right on your team is authentic and powerful for improving employee engagement. As a bonus, showing your employees you care and value them as people and employees costs little to no money. However, consistency and sincerity are critical components to making recognition effective. Celebrating wins, big or small, can boost morale and motivation within the team. Some other easy recognition ideas include:

  • Birthdays and anniversaries. Recognition of these milestones can be easily overlooked, but they are essential for making employees feel valued and appreciated. Consider hosting a monthly celebration for all birthdays and work anniversaries within that month. If you have a remote team, the best way to celebrate birthdays would be a virtual coffee break with them.
  • Walk around and stay visible. A daily walk around the office in the morning to meet and greet your employees goes a long way. Ask about their families and show genuine interest in them as a person.
  • Post Sticky Notes on their workstation. A small note showing your employees you appreciate them is valuable.

2. Include your Employees in Decision-Making

When decisions are only a top-down approach, employees can become disengaged quickly. It’s not feasible for employees to be included in every decision, but asking for feedback to improve their work environment can make a significant difference. Hold regular meetings or brainstorming sessions where employees can share their ideas and suggestions. This makes them feel valued and fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility within the team. Encouraging open communication and collaboration will lead to better decision-making processes and overall employee satisfaction.

3. Offer Flexibility

Today’s workforce is more efficient with improved technology. These advances allow workers to get more done in less time and remotely. Employees want a work-life balance such as time to attend their children’s football games or doctor’s appointments. Once you show employees that there is life outside of work, they will appreciate you and be more engaged. The “always on” mentality is outdated and a quick way to burn your employees to the ground. Letting them take care of their mental health with a work-life balance and flexibility will help increase team member’s engagement. 

4. Provide Growth Opportunities

Employees want to feel like they are continuously growing and developing their skills. Providing opportunities for training, mentoring programs, and career advancement within the company can help keep employees engaged and motivated. By investing in their professional development, you improve your team’s skills and show that you value their contributions and are invested in their future success. Even if your company has limited options for growth, you should spend time developing your employees’ skills and giving them opportunities to get involved. You could try to offer job shadowing in different departments to see if an employee would fit better in a new job within the company. 

5. Survey Your Staff

You should regularly assess your employees and how you can make their work environment better. Routine surveys are inexpensive and provide an excellent pulse check. Surveys allow leadership to stay proactive and address issues before it’s too late. Once employees have disengaged, getting them back on track and buying into their work and the organization is complex. Surveys are an easy tool to remain in control and give you awareness of how to engage your staff.

Leverage employee feedback in your HR strategy

Get detailed insights and AI-powered recommendations with eNPS surveys and employee surveys sent through Peoplelytics.

6. Make time for Team Building

Social events bring people into a work environment together and strengthen engagement. You can plan games, team meetings, potlucks, and other inexpensive opportunities for your team to connect. A unified team can lead to increased productivity, enhanced communication, and a positive work environment. By making time for team-building activities, you can improve morale and create a sense of camaraderie among your employees. Additionally, team building allows employees to relax and break from the stress and monotony of everyday tasks.

7. Create Friendly Office Competition

Competition is fun and gets employees excited about coming to work. It’s a quick and effective way to boost your team without spending much money. You can create competitions with performance, cooking contests, decorations, wellness challenges, an employee of the month, scavenger hunts, or a company quiz. You can get a lot of buy-in by offering variety and choice in the competitions you host. Friendly competition can increase employee motivation and engagement and create a sense of accomplishment when achieving goals. It’s important to keep the atmosphere light-hearted and fun so everyone can participate and enjoy themselves. Remember, the goal is to foster team spirit and improve engagement.

8. Offer Professional Development

Continuous learning is needed to help employees keep their roles exciting and fresh. You can use a pulse survey to determine what topics your employees want to learn more about. You can create different options like training and mentorship programs for continued growth. Once you promote learning, it can lead to greater job satisfaction and loyalty. You’ll improve the success of your organization and create a positive work culture by offering self-improvement opportunities.

9. Remove Obstacles

Inefficient processes and procedures cause frustration and disengagement. Effective organizations should constantly be evaluating their protocol to ensure smooth operation. Employees who realize you want their work tasks to go off without a hitch will likely be more engaged. The bonus is that you can often fix many issues without spending money. Invite your team to share ideas on how the leadership team can improve their processes.

10. Start a Newsletter

Communication is essential for a successful and engaged workplace. If you have a larger company, a newsletter is a great way to keep everyone in the loop until you have a company-wide meeting. Your employees will look forward to the newest letter with what they need to know. It’s also a fun and effective way to keep your employees engaged.

Let’s Recap

Employee engagement is a critical factor in fostering a productive and innovative workplace. This article emphasizes the significance of engaging employees, highlighting that even low-cost engagement strategies can be as effective as expensive ones. By recognizing the value of employees, involving them in decision-making, offering flexibility and providing growth opportunities organizations can cultivate a culture of engagement that drives growth and long-term success.

So investing in employee engagement is not just beneficial; it is essential for businesses aiming to achieve high levels of productivity, satisfaction, and retention among their workforce. By prioritizing employee engagement through thoughtful strategies and actions, organizations can create a work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and committed to contributing positively to the company’s success. See what your employees want more of by taking Peoplelytic’s free demo!

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