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New Employee Survey Questions to Improve Onboarding Process

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Imagine unlocking the full potential of your onboarding process with just a few strategic questions. New employee surveys offer precisely this opportunity, serving not only as a means of feedback collection but as a strategic asset for improving employee integration and satisfaction. In this article, we delve into the significance of new employee surveys, highlighting their critical role in enhancing engagement, retention, and overall organizational effectiveness.

3 Key takeaways you need to know

  • New employee surveys serve as a proactive tool for improving the onboarding process by providing organizations with valuable insights into areas of strength and opportunities for enhancement.
  • These surveys foster a culture of inclusivity and engagement by signaling to employees that their opinions matter from the outset.
  • The benefits of new employee surveys make them an indispensable tool for organizations committed to fostering positive employee experiences and driving success.

new employee taking new hire survey questions

What is a New Employee Survey?

New employee surveys, also known as employee onboarding surveys, are structured questionnaires designed to gather feedback from recently onboarded employees about their experiences, perceptions, and suggestions regarding various aspects of the onboarding process and organizational culture. 

Unlike traditional employee surveys, which may focus on a broad range of organizational issues, new employee surveys focus on the early experiences of employees as they navigate into their new roles. 

By capturing insights during this critical period, organizations can proactively address potential challenges and optimize the onboarding experience for future new hires.

Why These Surveys are Important

They contribute to improved onboarding processes by providing valuable insights into areas of strength and opportunities for enhancement. By understanding new employees’ perspectives, organizations can tailor their onboarding programs to better meet the needs and expectations of incoming talent. 

New employee surveys also signal to employees that their opinions matter from the beginning, fostering a sense of inclusivity and engagement. 

Employees who feel valued and heard are more likely to remain committed to their organizations, leading to higher retention rates and increased overall satisfaction.


By capturing feedback early on, organizations can proactively address any issues that may arise, preventing potential disengagement or turnover down the line. 

Pros and Cons of New Employee Surveys

While new employee surveys offer numerous benefits, they also come with certain considerations. 


  • The surveys facilitate enhanced communication between employees and management, fostering transparency and trust within the organization. 
  • They enable early problem identification, allowing organizations to address issues promptly and effectively.
  • They contribute to the cultivation of a positive company culture by demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and employee satisfaction. 

It’s also essential to acknowledge the potential drawbacks of these surveys. 


  • Survey fatigue
  • Employees may be hesitant to provide honest feedback if there’s not option for anonymity.
  • Your organization may lack the resources or processes to implement necessary changes effectively. 
  • Mismanagement of employee surveys can cause distrust among employees.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of new employee surveys outweigh the drawbacks, making them a valuable tool for organizational development.

10 Questions to Ask on a New Employee Survey

Crafting effective survey questions is key to obtaining meaningful feedback from new employees. Here are ten essential questions to include in your new employee survey:

1. Rate your overall onboarding experience on a scale of 1 to 10 and provide specific reasons for your rating.

2. Do you feel clear about your role responsibilities and expectations? If not, please specify areas where clarification is needed.

3. Have you received adequate support from your manager and colleagues since joining the organization? Please elaborate on your experiences.

4. How well do you feel your values align with the company culture? Provide examples to support your response.

5. Have you had access to relevant training and development opportunities to support your professional growth? If not, what improvements would you suggest?

6. Do you feel that the organization promotes a healthy work-life balance? Please share any suggestions for improvement.

7. Rate the effectiveness of communication within the organization, including channels used and frequency of updates.

8. Do you feel comfortable providing feedback to your manager or colleagues? Why or why not?

9. How would you describe the dynamics within your team? Are there any areas where improvements could be made?

10. What specific changes or initiatives would you recommend to enhance the onboarding experience for future employees?

Each of these questions serves a distinct purpose, providing insights into various aspects of the onboarding process and organizational culture. 

By reviewing the responses, organizations can identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and take targeted action to enhance the employee experience.

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When to Send a New Employee Survey

Determining the timing for administering new employee surveys is crucial to capturing how new employees feel while allowing sufficient time for meaningful experiences to unfold. 

You could send a new employee survey after each training session, introduction, or other important events, or you could wait and send them after a set period, like 30 days into the new role.

With Peoplelytics’ software, you can automate your surveys to collect information from new hires immediately after they pass a certain milestone or after a set period. 

How to Increase New Employee Survey Engagement

Employee surveys are super important for companies to learn what their employees think. To get more new employees to take these surveys, companies can do a few things. 

1. Incentivize and educate employees

Educating new employees from the start about the surveys and including information about incentives, such as a small prize for completion, can gain excitement and encourage employees to partake.

2. Involve senior leadership

Senior leaders can either sit down with new employees and ask the survey questions in person, or they can assist them in completing online surveys by providing time and computer access after training. Leadership can also provide clear communication as to why the surveys are so important for the organization.

3. Offer flexible survey completion options 

These options can include mobile devices or designated kiosks for deskless workers. This ensures accessibility and convenience for all employees.

Let’s Recap

New employee surveys represent a powerful tool for organizations seeking to optimize their onboarding processes and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and employee satisfaction. By soliciting feedback from recently onboarded employees, these surveys offer invaluable insights into the early experiences and perceptions of new hires, enabling organizations to tailor their onboarding programs effectively. 

Through strategic implementation and thoughtful consideration of survey responses, companies can enhance communication, foster transparency, and address potential challenges proactively, leading to higher engagement, retention, and organizational effectiveness. 

While challenges such as survey fatigue and potential reluctance to provide honest feedback exist, the benefits of new employee surveys in terms of communication, problem identification, and organizational development outweigh these drawbacks, making them a great tool for organizations committed to fostering positive employee experiences and driving success.

Want to check out how Peoplelytics’ new employee surveys work? Check out the free demo here.

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