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10 Questions to Ask for More Engagement from Your Team

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Leading people in an organization is always challenging. From providing a positive team culture to exceeding performance expectations, many factors create a thriving team. However, there is a difference maker between a mediocre team and one that always surpasses your expectations: employee engagement. With the right persistence and knowledge to drive your team, you can lead your team to unprecedented levels.

Employee engagement is not always apparent, but it can drastically impact your organization. Employee engagement is stagnant, with only about 1/3 of employees engaged in 2023. An unengaged workforce can have serious consequences and leave you in a leadership position where you cannot rebound. As you think about how you can help your team get back on track, there are some tremendous leading questions to encourage your team to give you transparent feedback about improving the workplace.

3 Key takeaways you need to know
  • Employee engagement involves fostering a deep connection and commitment from employees toward their work and the organization.
  • Regularly asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to employees’ feedback can provide valuable insights for improvement and help address issues.
  • Leveraging survey tools can provide deeper insights into engagement levels.
employees conversing during a presentation

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is not merely about satisfaction but rather the emotional commitment and connection employees have with their work, colleagues, and the organization. It involves feeling valued, motivated, and supported in one’s role, leading to increased productivity and loyalty. Once employees are engaged, they are willing to put their best work forward and go beyond the call of duty.

To foster employee engagement, organizations must focus on creating a positive work culture that prioritizes open communication, recognition of achievements, opportunities for growth and development, and a healthy work-life balance.

Companies can enhance morale, reduce turnover rates, and ultimately drive business success by cultivating a sense of purpose and belonging among employees. Employee engagement goes beyond superficial perks or incentives; it requires genuine investment in understanding individual needs and aspirations to create a thriving workforce aligned with organizational values.

Levels of Employee Engagement

Engagement measures your employees’ feelings about the organization and team. You can categorize your employees into four groups based on their engagement level.

Highly Engaged

Your goal is to have every employee in your organization be highly engaged. They are enamored with the role, perform far beyond expectations, and have exceptional spirit and energy. They also want the best for their colleagues and are forward-thinking. We rely on highly engaged employees to help our teams thrive.

Moderately Engaged

These employees have a strong view of the company, but certain aspects are preventing them from reaching a highly engaged status. These employees can easily slip into lower engagement levels without intervention.

Barely Engaged

Employees with low engagement are nonchalant and have little motivation to do their roles. These employees often do the bare minimum or less and pose a high risk of turnover.


Disengaged employees are toxic, have a negative perception of the company, and can disrupt team dynamics and productivity. They may spread negativity and impact the morale of other employees. It is crucial to promptly address the issues with disengaged employees to prevent further damage within the organization.

Leverage employee feedback in your HR strategy

Get detailed insights and AI-powered recommendations with eNPS surveys and employee surveys sent through Peoplelytics.

Questions to Ask Employees for Improved Engagement

As a leader, you play a pivotal role in understanding your team’s engagement level. Your daily interactions with your team can allow you to get feedback and implement actions to improve workplace engagement. There are some excellent open-ended questions to make your employees comfortable expressing their views openly and to help improve your work environment.

How can we improve?

It’s important to get honest feedback from your employees. Once your employees know you are looking out for their best interest, you can expect their engagement to skyrocket. Employees should have an active role in the decision-making process. This will make them feel valued and appreciated and increase their sense of ownership in the outcomes.

What challenges are you facing?

By understanding the obstacles and difficulties that your team members are encountering, you can provide support, resources, or solutions to help overcome those challenges. This shows that you care about their well-being and want to create a positive work environment for everyone. Regularly checking in with your team and addressing any issues promptly demonstrates your commitment to their success and motivates them to engage in their work actively. Engaged employees are more productive, creative, and loyal to the organization. Investing time and effort into improving workplace engagement is a win-win situation for both you as a leader and your team as a whole.

Are you happy?

Happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a state of being that impacts every aspect of our lives, including our productivity at work. Many people may find themselves caught in the cycle of chasing success without considering if it makes them happy. It’s essential to prioritize internal contentment over external markers of achievement. Hire employees who are intrinsically motivated by the core values and mission of the organization. External motivation fades, and employees are going through the motions, leading to unhappiness.

Do you feel supported in your role?

Autonomy, mastery, and training are three huge pillars to success in any role. Employees who feel lost without direction can quickly become disengaged and unproductive in your company. Provide ample opportunity for consistent and meaningful feedback. Team meetings, one-on-ones, surveys, and performance reviews are all opportunities to provide input and support to employees. Pick feedback methods you can stick to.

Do you feel valued?

Successful employee engagement is a two-way street. Employees need to know they are appreciated for their effort and work. It’s essential to show recognition of your employees’ hard work and dedication. Simple gestures like saying thank you, providing public recognition, or offering rewards can greatly make employees feel valued. When employees are valued, they take greater ownership of their roles and are more engaged. Take the time to acknowledge the contributions of your team members and create a positive work environment where everyone feels appreciated.

Is there an opportunity for growth?

Some employees are fine staying in their roles, but many are looking for opportunities beyond. You’ll need a growth plan for employees, especially for entry-level roles. Providing opportunities for growth within your organization can help retain top talent and keep employees engaged. This could involve offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, or career development paths. Encouraging a continuous learning and advancement culture can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement.

Do you have sufficient work-life balance?

Your employees have to have a life outside their work. It’s important to prioritize work-life balance for your employees to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being. Encouraging employees to take breaks, use their vacation days, and set boundaries between work and personal life can help create a healthier workplace culture. Employees can often have the most innovation when they are away from work.

How do you feel about the team’s culture?

Culture can make or break your team. Employees with a negative view of the team’s culture are disengaged. Provide routine employee surveys to gauge your team’s view of culture. Ask for feedback regularly and actively listen to what your employees have to say about the team culture. Address any concerns or issues that are raised promptly to foster a positive and inclusive work environment.

Do you need more or less feedback?

Employees differ regarding how much feedback they want from you. Brand new or novice employees need more support and direction than tenured ones. However, it’s important not to neglect employees regarding their tenure. Ultimately, individual preferences for feedback may vary among team members. Some employees prefer frequent feedback and guidance to stay on track, while others feel more confident with less supervision.

Is my leadership inclusive?

Employees want to be part of the decision-making process and feel their voices are heard. Having an inclusive leadership style involves actively seeking input and feedback from all team members, regardless of their level within the organization. Once employees have a sense of belonging, it can promote improved engagement.

Asking your employees these questions can reap benefits in making positive changes for your company. As you continue sending employees surveys, keep track of the outcomes as you make changes so you can see your progress over time.

Let’s Recap

Employee engagement stands as a critical factor in driving organizational success. It’s not just about satisfaction but rather fostering a deep connection and commitment from employees toward their work and the organization.

Understanding the levels of engagement within your team and actively addressing any issues can lead to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a more harmonious work environment. Regularly asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to your employees’ feedback can provide valuable insights for improvement.

To further enhance employee engagement and drive positive change within your organization, consider using tools like Peoplelytics. With Peoplelytics, you can gain deeper insights into your team’s engagement levels and receive actionable recommendations to improve workplace dynamics.

Take the first step toward creating a more engaged and thriving workforce by viewing a demo of Peoplelytics. Your proactive efforts in fostering engagement will not only benefit your team but also contribute to long-term organizational success.

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